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Born in Japan in 1991. Works at the base in Tokyo. Her paintings, characterized by her delicate touch and bold strokes, are based on her own sense of the beauty, fragility, and power of life. She has had extraordinary empathy from her childhood to the present, and continues to deal with her sensitive constitution to human emotions and energy. She began her career as painter in response to the changes in society, from an era in which people competed to look beautiful on the outside to an era in which people honed their inner selves and opened up to the world as it was. She considers her paintings, in which she expresses the emotions and energy she receives from society in a multifaceted way by imitating plants, to be contemporary post-impressionist paintings. The beautiful flowers that plant ideas and put down deep roots, and bloom with dignity in various forms, seem to represent the way she lives freely in her own way in today's diversifying society. 1991年 日本生まれ。東京を拠点に活動。 繊細なタッチと大胆なストロークが特徴的な絵画は、 自身が感じる生命の美しさ、儚さ、力強さに基づき制作される。 幼い頃から現在に至るまで人並みはずれた共感力を持ち、人の感情やエネルギーに敏感な体質と向き合い続けている。 外面を綺麗に見せることを競う時代から、内面を磨きありのままを開放する時代へと向かう社会の変化と自身の変化を重ね、画家として活動をスタート。 社会から多元的に受け取った感情やエネルギーを植物に模して表現した自身の絵画を、現代のポスト印象派と位置付けている。 思想を植え根を深く張り、様々な形で凛と咲く美しい花や躍動感ある筆到は、多様化する現代社会を自分らしく自由に生きている様を表しているようにも見える。
Lire la suite
Trouvez les œuvres d'art originales de 10 et painters de Hitomi. Découvrez le profil de Hitomi, le prix des oeuvres d'art, des informations sur les expositions, et achetez des oeuvres d'art en ligne.
USD 579.18 Year.2023 w45.50 x h45.50 x d2.00 cm
USD 855.60 Year.2022 w72.70 x h60.60 x d2.00 cm
USD 444.00 Year.2023 w41.00 x h31.80 x d2.00 cm
USD 777.00 Year.2023 w53.00 x h65.20 x d2.10 cm
USD 666.00 Year.2022 w60.60 x h50.00 x d2.00 cm
USD 777.00 Year.2022 w45.50 x h45.50 x d2.00 cm
USD 963.00 Year.2021 w53.00 x h65.20 x d2.20 cm
Prix de l'offre suggérée USD$~
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