Jose Cacho creates beautiful artworks that have a modern feel to them, and often depicts women standing as a way to help the viewer enter the work, much like watching a play. Influenced by the world-famous paintings of Gustav Klimt, he focuses on the expression of visual art created by small mosaics. What makes him so particular is the fact that he creates the materials for thousands of mosaic sections by himself, using various types of art materials.

(The day I wrove my first song/80cm×120cm/pigment)
A male artist living and working in Mexico, his works produced between 2016 and 2020 focus on issues related to the human condition, especially life and knowledge as a cause of social balance. In many of her works, women are depicted as the eternal bearers of wisdom and love, as well as the presence of women on earth.
2.Sublimation of Inspiration
For Jose Cacho, the most important source of inspiration for his art is the media around him, such as newspapers, fashion magazines, and advertisements. By transforming the inspiration he receives from these sources into his works through his personal vision, he is able to give his works a message that captures the essence of human nature. I was amazed at his skillful technique of taking what he got as "information" from the media and transforming it into a new, visible form of art by thinking deeply about it. I could feel his enthusiasm to take up the issues that people living in this moment are actually dealing with in his works, rather than making them self-indulgent.
3.The visual effect of mosaic
Jose Cacho's works are drawn with a very simple composition. There are only a few motifs. But thanks to this simple composition, we can pay attention to the thousands of different types of mosaics. Because of the fine details in the mosaic sections, the artwork has a unique character that keeps us interested despite its simplicity. For example, in the work "Turn it over," two women are standing symmetrically, and the skirts they are wearing are a mosaic pattern with a different pattern on each square. The faces of the women are depicted with shadows that represent three-dimensional expressions, but there are no shadows on their bodies that represent three-dimensional effects. By deliberately drawing the mosaic in a flat space so that it is noticeable, we can appreciate the details better. In addition, the three-dimensionality of the body has the effect of keeping the impression of the mosaic in the background.

(Turn it over/50cm×50cm/pigment)
4.A message that captures the essence of human nature
The work "Sel Love" depicts two symmetrically placed women with the same face holding a single rose together. Reading through this work, an interesting message that captures the essence of human nature is conveyed. In fact, the two women are not separate entities, but rather a depiction of one woman's self-reflection. Here, she addresses "narcissism," warning and advising against the sense of emptiness that we tend to have. To fill that emptiness, many people in the world look for company, but "what really matters is your relationship with yourself," says Jose Cacho. If you don't love yourself, you will never be happy or feel satisfied. Relationships include facing yourself.

(Sel Love/80cm×80cm/pigment)
5.Manipulating the impression of the mosaic
The work "Impatient" depicts a woman looking sideways with her arms crossed. Here, unlike the previous works, each of the mosaics is drawn in a large, similar pattern. The artist has broadened the range of expression by changing the impression of the mosaic, and here he has created depth in the texture of the background from turquoise and warm gold. The woman, who does not look calm with her arms crossed, conveys the importance of impatience, and sometimes we try to find important answers in a hurry by putting pressure on ourselves. We all have moments in life when we wonder, "Is this right? We all have moments in life when we wonder, "Is this right? In such moments, impatience is a positive ally to be on your side in order to make accurate decisions.

(Impatient/80cm×120cm/mixed media)
6.Jose Cacho's message
None of the messages in his works is a vehement denunciation of us. They give us a lot of advice and solutions to essential human problems. From this, I could feel his kindness through his works. Because we are human beings who tend to have problems, every time I see Jose Cacho's works, I want to remember the important things in life. I would also like to keep an eye out for new messages that he will discover in the future, messages that grasp the human condition.