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Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKOStylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO

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Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO
Bild Ihres Kunstwerks an der Wand
Bild Ihres Kunstwerks an der Wand
Bild Ihres Kunstwerks an der Wand
Bild Ihres Kunstwerks an der Wand
Bild Ihres Kunstwerks an der Wand
Bild Ihres Kunstwerks an der Wand

Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO


W 55.00cm x H 90.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $750.00

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  • Über dieses Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO



    Malerei (Ölgemälde)


    Original Artwork




    Handsigniert vom Künstler auf der Vorderseite der Leinwand




    Alles ist schön, aber nicht jeder kann es sehen. (Alles auf der Welt hat Schönheit, aber nicht jeder sieht sie.) Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters. Etwas anzuschauen ist nicht dasselbe wie es zu sehen. Man sieht nichts, bis man lernt, die Schönheit zu sehen. Sehr geehrter Kunde, wir danken Ihnen für Ihren Besuch in unserer Galerie und hoffen, dass Sie in unseren Werken etwas finden, das Ihnen am Herzen liegt. Vera Goncharenkos einzigartige formale Lösung und der Unternehmensstil, in dem wir seit 1990 arbeiten. Professionelles Kunstwerk Original "Handsome Man" Öl auf Leinwand, 55 x 90 cm HOHE QUALITÄT Unterschrift auf der Vorder- und Rückseite, auf Wunsch eine Widmung des Autors an den Käufer. Datum 2024 Wir sind seit 1990 auf dem Weltkunstmarkt tätig. Wir präsentieren Ihnen nur die besten und nur unsere Originalwerke. Sie können sich der Qualität und Einzigartigkeit des Gemäldes, das Sie wählen, sicher sein. Wir verwenden hochwertige Materialien, um unsere Gemälde zu schaffen. Alle Fotos sind real, also das, was Sie auf dem Foto sehen, ist das, was Sie kaufen. Achten Sie auf die Details des Bildes, alle Nuancen der Technik, Material und Merkmale des Stils des Autors sind dort sichtbar. Wir wünschen Ihnen Glück und Frieden! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, die Autoren Vera und Sergey Goncharenko.

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    Stylish professional original oil painting on canvas, snow leopard in the mountains, texture, "Handsome Man" by the author VERA GONCHARENKO


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