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Bild des Profils / Elvira Kovrigina

Elvira Kovrigina

Эльвира Ковригина

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Эльвира Ковригина(Elvira Kovrigina)


Die Fotografin Elvira Kovrigina reist um die Welt und fängt deren Schattierungen ein. Ihre Genre-Arbeiten
entführen den Betrachter gedanklich in die unterschiedlichsten Ecken des Planeten und zeigen ihre nicht-triviale
Seite. Denn der Ort und die Sehenswürdigkeiten bleiben oft der Hintergrund, der...

Finden Sie 5 original Kunstwerke & photographers von Elvira Kovrigina. Sehen Sie sich Elvira Kovrigina's Profil, Kunstpreise und Ausstellungsinformationen an und kaufen Sie Kunst online.

“Elvira Kovrigina's Kunstwerke”


Parisian Women

USD 460.00 Year.2022 w42.00 x h30.00 x d0.10


The Question

USD 460.00 Year.2022 w42.00 x h30.00 x d0.10


90 miles to Cuba

USD 460.00 Year.2016 w42.00 x h30.00 x d0.10


Red Shawl

USD 460.00 Year.2014 w42.00 x h30.00 x d0.10


Angel's Way

USD 600.00 Year.2012 w42.00 x h30.00 x d0.10



USD $460 ~ $600


Fotograf, Mitglied der Kreativen Union der Künstler Russlands (Sektion "Kunst-Foto"), Berufsverband der Künstler, Reisender, Reisejournalist.
Union der Künstler, Reisender, Reisejournalist.
Geboren 1984 in Moskau. Ihr Interesse an der Fotografie wurde 2006 geweckt. Und seit 2012 interessiert sie s...


2020 victory in the competition "The View of a Foreigner"(nomination “All Life is Theater"), Presidential Library, St. Petersburg, Russia
2019 victory in the competition of the 4th Festival of photography "FotoKrock "(nomination "Single photo"), Vitebsk, Belarus.
2014 finalist of the 3rd Museum Biennale of Contemporary Photography at the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2014 finalist of the contest "Young photographers of Russia-2014", Ples, Russia.
2014 victory in the contest "Image of Italy-2014", “JeeJee", Russia.
2014 finalist of the 2nd International Festival of Photography “PeterFoto-Fest", St. Petersburg, Russia.
2013 victory in the category "Street (genre) photography", Raccord Group, Moscow, Russia.
2012 won the contest "The world from a different angle" ("Olympus"), Moscow, Russia.


2021 "Graphics", Gallery "Bogorodskoe" (OVZ Moscow), Moscow, Russia
2020 — “A new reality. To the 100th anniversary of UNOVIS", New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
2020 The Sixth Interregional Academic Exhibition-competition "Red Gate / Against the Current" -2020, Moscow-Saratov-Kazan-Saransk-Tolyatti, Russia.
2020 "Tune in to B&W", House of Art Workers, Saratov, Russia.
2019 “The Present Day” of the 4th festival of photography “FotoKrock", Vitebsk, Belarus.
2019 ANTIBIENNALE IV, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia.
2015 — final exhibition of the 7th Open competition of black and white photography named after N. I. Kostylev, Lysva, Russia.
2014 final exhibition of the 3rd Museum Biennale of Contemporary Photography, Marble Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2014 "Young photographers of Russia-2014", Landscape Museum, Ples, Russia.
2014 the final exhibition of the 2nd International Festival of Photography “PeterFoto-Fest", St. Petersburg, Russia.
2013 "ART-RACCORD", Yerevan, Armenia.
2013 " Photo.Image", Vkhutemas Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

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