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3 minutes Art -Norris Yim-

Soichiro Masuda

A must-see artist in 3 minutes!

In this issue, we bring you a quick look at Norris Lim, an artist who portrays nameless heroes.

TRiCERA ART currently features more than 4,000 artists and 52,000 works of art from over 126 countries around the world. Our curators will introduce you to some of the artists you should not miss.


Characteristics of Artists

Hong Kong-based artist looking at the shadow side of people

  • B.A. in Design, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
  • Depicts people crushed by power
  • A philosophical perspective on who we are


Nameless 0222"
・W 50.00cm x H 60.00cm x D 1.80cm
・#Oil painting
・USD $1,000.00 +Duty/Tax at Custom



Uniqueness of the work

Abstract portraits of hidden heroes.

  • People's faces covered like a mosaic
  • Simulationism quoting human figures
  • Thickly applied acrylic paint


Nameless 2522
・W 50.00cm x H 60.00cm x D 1.80cm
・#Acrylic painting
・USD $1,200.00 +Duty/Tax at Custom


Curator's Comment

Rare artist who paints from a news-like perspective

  • And depictions of people who are talked about around the world.
  • Actively working abroad
  • Attention to the attitude of pushing the limits of expression.


Nameless 2322
・W 50.00cm x H 60.00cm x D 1.80cm
・#Acrylic painting
・USD $1,200.00 +Duty/Tax at Custom



Artist Biography

Self-taught painter born and raised in Hong Kong,

studied at the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,

and sells paintings online to all countries.

Click here to visit Norris Yim's artist page

TRiCERA ART currently lists approximately 52,000 paintings, photographs, sculptures and other artworks from more than 126 countries around the world.



Soichiro Masuda