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RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェRECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェRECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェRECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ

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RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ
RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ
RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ
RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ
RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ

RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ


W 11.00cm x H 26.00cm x D 8.00cm

USD $2,073.16

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  • About this RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ





    Original Artwork








    RECORD M21
    Contemporary artwork of rebar and white cement

    Produced in 2003
    Steel bar φ6mm, white cement
    h26 x w11 x d8cm
    tabletop objet d'art, wall-hanging objet d'art, either is acceptable

    Units of 6mm rebar wrapped around each other were connected and placed in white cement to harden.
    The concept is to excavate the rebar from the white cement afterwards.

    The effect of the steel oxidizing and rusting over time is a nice addition.
    The image is based on my own memories of excavation, archaeology, antiquity, history, strata, flow, and the universe.

    The "M" in the title of the work, RECORD M21, stands for Memory, meaning the 21st work in the "series to record private memories.

    It is safe to hang on the wall as it weighs only 0.9kg.

  • About this artist



    I create sculptures and monuments using steel and cement on the theme of "Time". Since 2004, I have been creating "depth of time" by layering images and sounds with different time axes to explore the 5-dimensional space. https://www.waerbt.com/

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Other Artworks by Artist

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    RECORD T12 Contemporary art made from iron plates. Wall art object. 鉄板で創られた現代アート 壁掛けオブジェ


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    RECORD T08 Sculpture with rebar. Wall art object. 鉄筋を使った彫刻 壁掛けオブジェ


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    RECORD T06 Contemporary art work. Wall-mounted objects made of rebar. 現代アート作品 鉄筋で壁掛けオブジェ


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    RECORD T16 Contemporary art work. Conceptual art works using iron plates. Wall art object. 現代アート作品 鉄板を使用したコンセプチュアル・アート作品 壁掛けオブジェ


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    RECORD M16 Wall art object. Rebar and White cement. 壁掛けオブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント


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    RECORD M20 Contemporary art work. Conceptual art made with white cement and rebar. 現代アート作品 白セメントと鉄筋で制作したコンセプチュアル・アート


  • RECORD M15 Contemporary art work. Desktop object. Deformed steel bars and White cement. 現代アート作品 卓上オブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント

    RECORD M15 Contemporary art work. Desktop object. Deformed steel bars and White cement. 現代アート作品 卓上オブジェ 鉄筋と白セメント


  • RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ

    RECORD M21 A contemporary art work of Deformed steel bars and White cement. Tabletop and wall-mounted objects. 鉄筋と白セメントの現代アート作品 卓上・壁掛けオブジェ


  • RECORD M19 異形鉄筋と白セメントを使用した現代アート作品 A contemporary art piece using Deformed steel bars and White cement.

    RECORD M19 異形鉄筋と白セメントを使用した現代アート作品 A contemporary art piece using Deformed steel bars and White cement.


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