Sweat is a body fluid composed of water, salt, minerals and organic substances. The body generates sweat when it moves, when it works, when it is stressed. You will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow. A slave dries his sweat in a Roman bath in the 1st century AD, in 2020 a precarious worker spends €17 to go on a circuit in a spa built on an industrial estate and dries his sweat when he comes out of a sauna. Both are united by water, sweat, work, class status and" the greca".
The supports of the structures are the raised floors of the pools used in contemporary spas and wellness centres.
Measures: 50x15 Cm, structure (1) 120x25x 23 Cm, structure (2) 60x25x23 Cm, structure (3) 80x25x23 Cm, structure (4) 110x25x23 Cm.