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"Dot Lenin""Dot Lenin""Dot Lenin""Dot Lenin""Dot Lenin""Dot Lenin""Dot Lenin"

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"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"
"Dot Lenin"

"Dot Lenin"


W 22.00cm x H 33.50cm x D 20.00cm
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  • About this "Dot Lenin"



    Sculpture (Ceramic/ Craft)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the back of the artwork




    This contemporary artwork is made of Lenin's found original soviet ceramic bust and inspired by Jeff Koons' sculptures with gazing balls.

    Decades after the collapse of the USSR, on the territory of the former Soviet republics, it is still possible to find many artifacts imbued with the propaganda of that era. All forms of art were forcibly subordinated to the advancement of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. Everything that did not fit into this paradigm was eradicated.
    Portraits of Lenin occupy a special place among those artifacts. Moreover, the number of the leader’s image created over the seven decades amazes. A huge number of art production workshops were organized, where artists from year to year were painting copies of the leader's portraits, which were then placed in public institutions, educational institutions, offices of officials, in the homes of ordinary people.
    All this was done to the detriment of the free evolution of art and has stopped its development for more than half a century.
    We will never know what the art of the USSR's peoples could look like if it was not oppressed. We can only look at what artists in the free world were doing at this time.
    Namely to this goal, Oleksandr's series of works is subordinated, who refines the found oil portraits of Lenin of Soviet times, combining them with famous works of Western artists.

  • About this artist



    Male sexuality and sensuality are the most important themes in his art, and he uses the human figure to explore worlds within worlds. He additionally reinterprets iconic symbols of the USSR, including modified portraits of Lenin and other Soviet leaders that have since been banned in Ukraine. Balbyshev ultimately achieves an artistic aesthetic marked by powerful pops of color, mystical surrealist elements, decorative qualities of kitsch, and absurd aspects reminiscent of dadaism.

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