The sculptural work "The Androgyne" is the symbolic term that is used to indicate woman and man merged into a single body, as an unearthly romantic allegory. This spiritual being of separated soulmates, come together in a state of divine light, which is an instinctive search for a perfect mate, which aims to rejoin the cosmos. According to Plato, the androgyne is also bisexuality and the idea of unity, completeness and opposites.
Instead in Alchemy it is a symbol of many truths such as the primordial completion and perfection of the absolute state: harmonized totality - Communion of Spirit and Matter - Freedom from the duality of the world - The recovery of Paradise - Fusion of activity with receptivity - Recombination of primordial forces man-woman - Reunification of polarities - The original oneness of the whole Father and of the whole Mother.