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Growing away "Earth"Growing away "Earth"Growing away "Earth"

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Growing away "Earth"
Growing away "Earth"
Growing away "Earth"
Growing away "Earth"

Growing away "Earth"


W 40.00cm x H 58.00cm x D 50.00cm

USD $900.00

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  • About this Growing away "Earth"



    Sculpture (Bronze sculpture/ Statue)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the pedestal




    Growing away "Earth"

    In this work I seek to capture the need for distance for growth, I seek to express the potential of distance, as suffering can be a generator of unique and unthinkable transformations, we can appreciate a seed of "needle pine" this seed has the characteristic of being "Helical" nature endowed it with a membrane connected to the seed which makes it a "wing" and allows it, when falling, to be able to fly and move away from the tree to precisely ensure its growth, the seed rests on its same foliage, the own needles (pine leaf) and from it the new sprout spreads, full of light and life, reformulating the distances necessary for growth.

  • About this artist



    I like to think about the history represented by the objects that surround us, the memories they have, the moment of life that accompany us.
    The way that relates us to our context, our space and time; the generations that were before us and what we will leave to those who will come.

    The way we think, we represent our identity, our ideals, beliefs and points of view to the world.

    I look for ways to represent a different world and link of care and curatorial treatment with our environment in a century where everything seems to be disposable.

    I am unemployed in multiple techniques and materials, such as metals, wood, fabrics, paintings, sculpture, painting, restoration and intervention of objects, the creation of characters or fantastic elements, etc.
    I do commissioned work.

    Me gusta pensar en la historia que representan los objetos que nos rodean, los recuerdos que tienen, el momento de la vida que nos acompañan.
    La forma que nos relaciona con nuestro contexto, nuestro espacio y tiempo; las generaciones que fueron anteriormente a nosotros y lo que le dejaremos a las que vendrán.

    La forma en la que pensamos, represetamos nuestra identidad, nuestros ideales, creencias y puntos de vistas ante el mundo.

    Busco formas de representar un mundo diferente y vínculo de cuidado y tratamiento de curaduría con nuestro entorno en un siglo donde todo parece ser descartable.

    Me desempleño en multiples tecnicas y materiales, como los metales, la madera, telas, pinturas, la escultura, la pintura, la restauracion e intervencion de objetos, la creacion de personajes o elementos fantásticos, etc.
    realizo trabajos por encargo.

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