This helmet was made in the image of Abe Sadatoshi, the hero of the Mutsu Haikki (1051-1062). This is a helmet of the hero of Emishi who lost his life fighting against the Imperial Court in the Former Nine Years' War (1051-1062). The helmet is made of white thread, the helmet bowl and shikoro are brown, and the Hachiman-za and shinodara are golden. The brown color of the helmet is dignified with a white flat cord. The pattern on the picture leather is a combination of mother-of-pearl inlay on the pillar of Chuson-ji Konjikido and the patterns of Tenpyo culture. 3 red circles represent the golden eclipse of the sun in 10261, which occurred when Sadatoshi was 7 years old. The helmet used at that time does not exist, so I made this piece inspired by the helmets of the late Heian period. The material is plaster for the helmet bowl. The bowl of the helmet is made of plaster, and the small tag is made of EVA and coated with urethane varnish. The colors are sumi ink, water-based lacquer, acrylic paint, and urethane varnish. The flat cord is made of acrylic.