This creature is like spirits with a soul.
This work is made from resin clay on a core material and painted with acrylic paints.
It was made from scratch without using molds, it is unique and exceptional creatures in the world.
This creature is hollow and something junk and treasured to me are stuffed with in.
By doing so, I’m giving life to this creature.
For example, acorns, seashells, dead leaves, dried petals, broken balloon fragments, stones picked up at somewhere, beautiful strings, acrylic lumps, tickets to exhibitions I couldn’t go to.
( When you shake it, it makes a sound. )
It seems somthing we have become attached to or have spent a lot of time with hold a spirit or soul.
I hope you will feel its strong presence as if it were alive.
If you keep it in your room, it will become the guardian of your home and exorcise evil spirits.