The birth of Seitaro may be one of the reasons that brought about a major change in my work, which has always been based on the theme of a couple "in love. It is a change from "loving each other" to "love," a love that envelops and embraces everything. The only thing that is certain is that the vector has begun to shift from the inside to the outside. Harutaro was born in January 2022. Because the birth coincided with the corona outbreak, I was unable to be present at the birth and felt frustrated and helpless. Yoko's image changed over time as the child was conceived. The birth of another life from a human being. For a father, childbirth is nothing but a mystery. A few days after the birth, I was able to see Yoko and Harutaro through the glass from outside the hospital. The sight of them was divine. To give form to my feelings at the time, I encased the Okinawan and Tokyo landscapes with light images of mother and child. It was like the birth of a new image of the "Virgin Mary" for me, a fusion of human beings and all things in the universe. It was also the birth of a family of three. (Ayarl: Ayarl means mother in the Okinawan language.)