"The Royal Executioner", from Underland, a series deeply rooted in the essence of “Alice in Wonderland”.
The executioner of the Red Queen emerges as a provocative and reflective work. Through carefully selected symbolism, the image urges the audience to question the true nature of power and to reflect on the social structures that perpetuate injustice.
The pig, adorned in an impeccable suit, suggests a facade of respectability, concealing the corruption and brutality that lie beneath. Its serious countenance and meticulous gestures denote a scheming and manipulative character that portrays the perversity of power and the distortion of justice. Its role as a hitman implies a willingness to eliminate any individual who challenges the authority of the monarch.
The metamorphosis of the pig into an executioner highlights the moral degradation and loss of humanity that accompany the exercise of unchecked power. The head on the tray transcends the mere visual representation of the original tale and becomes a haunting echo of our unscrupulous social and political reality.