750 x 600 x 30 mm Edition∶2/5 Cotton rag paper, giclee print, wood panel - Aloha - This work uses photographs of Hawaii to represent the "Aloha Pose," a unique Hawaiian greeting pose. There are two types of Aloha Poses: Hang Loose, in which the palm of the hand is shown to the other person, and Shaka Pose, in which the back of the hand is shown to the other person. Hangulose is mainly used to greet or express gratitude. Shaka Pose is used to encourage or encourage the other person. This time, we expressed "Hang Loose" and created a bright and happy work. About "marble" "marble" is a painting using photographs drawn by the artist's original technique "Photo marbling". At first glance, the work appears to be a painting, but it is clear that it is not a picture painted with paints, as photographs remain everywhere. The work is painted entirely digitally, without the use of paint, and by mixing multiple photographs together, a new world is created. Each photo is distorted, split, inverted, and even multiplied. Unlike so-called composite photographs or collages, each photograph is mixed and matched to form a single picture, acting as a single paint. In other words, anything that can be photographed with a camera can be used as material for a picture, so the possibilities for color tone expression are endless. Please come and see for yourself whether this is a painting or a photographic work of art, the only one of its kind in the world. The photo paper used is ILFORD's GOLD FIBRE GLOSS.