Iceland, renowned for its ethereal beauty and unique landscapes, captivates admirers worldwide, particularly during the winter months when its allure is most pronounced. One morning in February, at Reynisfjara, the black sand beach unveiled a scene of remarkable grace as the sun ascended. Amidst the scene, alone stood a large rock between the ocean and stream, welcoming the sunlight in its semi-silhouette shape against the backdrop of the dark cloudy sky, reminding us of our resilience and hope.
The artwork received the Silver Award from the 2024 EPSON International Pano Awards and Honorable Mention(s) from the 2024 New York Photography Awards and Tokyo International Foto Awards, respectively.
The image will be printed with pigmented inks on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Paper, featuring a 7.5cm wide white border (i.e. the actual image size is 67.5cm x 45cm).
This is a Limited Edition, with only 8 prints to be produced. Each print is made to order, with an estimated production time of 2-3 weeks.