Ketu is a small planet located in the Solar System, its surface is similar to the Earth's, primarily composed of large tectonic plates and oceans. It looks very much like what we know as Planet Earth, were it not for the configuration of its population: women of African descent who, foreseeing the collapse of humanity as we know it, decided to set out on an intergalactic journey to rescue and value alternative forms of existence. Not satisfied with the little appreciation and position in the terrestrial society and the many forms of violence they suffered, they opted for the valorization of their identities and their knowledge.
Known for being the most advanced planet in the Solar System, both socially and technologically, Katu developed by mixing technology brought from Earth with the original knowledge and traditions of Africa. In Ketu, time is not linear, but cyclical, which encourages the preservation of nature, fundamental to technological growth and the maintenance of life.