The color change from emerald green to deep blue is beautiful. The small red lights scattered in the center of the image feel like the soul of some creature, as if it were sinking to the bottom of a deep star. Taken on Aug. 03, 2019, 20:11:21 (Nagaoka Matsuri Grand Fireworks Festival) FUJIFILM gelatin silver print with "Title, edition, signature date, and signature" on the back of the work One copy of the work certificate attached inside the cosmetic box Frame size 35.3cm x 44.3cm (square box floating frame) *Black frame and The size of the photo itself is considerably larger than that of the black-framed frame. The edition of the exhibited work is S1/2 *The customer who purchased S1/2 later exchanged the difference for L2/2, so S1/2 is now in stock. L size Sold out M size Sold out S size 2/2 Sold