1. I am a professional photographer.
With the help of the art of photography, I share my fantasies and philosophical experiments with the viewer.
2. The source of inspiration is smoke. You can look at it endlessly. This is a fascinating, hypnotic action. The smoke "lives its own life", but you can also draw with it. What you are looking at now is drawn with smoke and photographed with a camera.
3. Photographing in the studio, the subject is smoke.
This is a "picture drawn by smoke", photographed "in one live frame".
Physically, this picture hung in the air for several seconds.
Color correction and cropping are done in the graphic editor.
It's amazing how much I didn't try to repeat the shooting of this frame later – I didn't get anything similar.
Photo printing on canvas. In my opinion, such a medium wins over traditional photo paper. The canvas looks more voluminous, and is more protected from burnout.