"Crossroads: The Tennis Odyssey" encapsulates the extraordinary journey of a junior tennis player, weaving a compelling narrative of dedication, passion, and monumental decisions. This piece took nearly two months of full-time work and over 25,000 hand-cut and glued pieces of recycled paper, each carefully selected to reflect the athlete’s evolution from childhood innocence to the complex choices between a professional tennis career and a college education.
The collage serves as a visual autobiography, delving into the player’s personality, their deep relationship with a supportive father, and the multifaceted attributes that define them beyond the court. Through layers of images and poignant quotes, it captures the emotional weight of decisions that shape the player’s life trajectory, presenting a fork in the road between the allure of professional tennis and the opportunities of higher education.
I am deeply connected to the materials I use. Each piece of paper comes from magazines destined for landfills, and by repurposing them, I give new life to what was once discarded. This commitment to recycling is central to my artistic identity, reflected in the intricate backgrounds that add depth and meaning to the work.
My technique is the result of years of searching for my artistic voice, a journey marked by constant evolution and a relentless pursuit of excellence. I am meticulous about the process: each piece of paper is hand-cut, sometimes using up to 10 pieces within a single square centimeter to achieve the desired detail and texture. This precision allows me to transform ordinary materials into something truly extraordinary.
"Crossroads" pays homage to the indomitable spirit of young athletes and all individuals navigating life’s pivotal moments, emphasizing that our choices are the artistry of our lives, painted with the brushstrokes of our heart and soul.