"Disney Magic in Colors" is a vibrant, energetic collage that brings together some of the most iconic characters from the Disney universe in a whirlwind of vibrant hues. The abstract background, in fluorescent shades of pink, green, blue and orange, creates a dynamic, playful atmosphere, recalling the joyful, whimsical spirit of animated films. The characters, carefully cut and pasted, seem to explore this colorful world, each bringing their own touch of magic. From the heroes of Toy Story to Minnie Mouse and Remy from Ratatouille, each iconic figure is staged in such a way that it interacts with the abstract shapes and patterns that surround it. This collage captures the very essence of Disney magic, reinterpreting it through a contemporary artistic approach. The work is both a nostalgic tribute and a bold visual exploration, offering a fresh take on these beloved characters. "Disney Magic in Colours" is a celebration of creativity and imagination, a visual journey into the enchanting world of Disney.