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Bouquet №6Bouquet №6Bouquet №6Bouquet №6Bouquet №6

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Bouquet №6
Bouquet №6
Bouquet №6
Bouquet №6
Bouquet №6
Bouquet №6
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

Bouquet №6


W 29.00cm x H 21.00cm x D 0.10cm

USD $230.00

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Sales have been temporarily halted due to an exhibition or negotiations with other customers.

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  • About this Bouquet №6



    Painting (Watercolor painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the back of the canvas




    Bouquets are an open series of works. In it, I illustrate the process of cognition through contemplation, which occurs in the following sequence:
    First, we look outline of the object, then the object itself, and only then do we learn its essence.

    The work is done on paper in mixed media: watercolor, ink, pen.

  • About this artist

    Viktoriia Menshakova

    Viktoriia Menshakova

    Russian Federation



    A professional artist, who was born in Kazakhstan, but grew up and lives in Russia. In my artworks, I show how narratives influence the awareness of the form and essence of things and phenomena. How it subsequently interferes with a person's communication with other people and with the world around him. Through observation and intuition, I gain my experience, and through its analysis and reflection, I create a visualization.
    I use paper as the most fragile base, applying layer-by-layer colorful materials of different nature to it.
    This technique, in itself, already illustrates how different narratives are superimposed on our fragile consciousness layer by layer, how our perception becomes heavier and more clumsy from this.

  • FAQ

Other Artworks by Artist

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    Bouquet №14


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  • "The World of tamed plants №6"

    "The World of tamed plants №6"


  • "Pion. Buds."

    "Pion. Buds."


  • "Pion. White.№2"

    "Pion. White.№2"


  • "Roses. White."

    "Roses. White."


  • "Peony. White"

    "Peony. White"


  • "Roses. Yellow."

    "Roses. Yellow."


  • "The Wild World of tamed plants №4"

    "The Wild World of tamed plants №4"
