Title: One Baby Romantica and Boots Glass Vase A soulful expression of delicate light dancing on fragile petals. Its realism speaks of fleeting moments, while the art technique whispers of serenity amidst chaos. I painted this picture with gentle strokes, evoking peace and reminding us to cherish the simple elegance that blooms in the unassuming corners of life. Bring a breath of peace into your space. In this creation, I poured my soul into capturing the delicate dance of light on fragile petals. I crafted this painting with tender strokes to evoke peace and remind us to cherish the simple elegance that Let it bring a breath of serenity to your space. size: postcard size, framed size: 21 cm (W) x 25.7 cm (H) x 2.5 cm (W) x 25.7 cm (H) x 2.5 cm (D) frame: three-dimensional frame, surface gold finish, year of creation 2022.2.15