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off the cliff
off the cliff
off the cliff
off the cliff
off the cliff
off the cliff
off the cliff

off the cliff


W 22.00cm x H 22.00cm x D 2.50cm

USD $300.00

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  • About this off the cliff



    Painting (Pastel painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signatures on the front of the artworks




    This acrylic paint, chalk, crayon and pen composition offers a rich visual commentary on societal upheaval and vulnerable groups' peril. The composition is layered with symbolic elements that convey a sense of precariousness and injustice.

    Thematically, the painting addresses the erosion of hard-won rights and the false reassurances given by those in power:

    The black gingerbread man figure at the cliff's edge represents the ordinary person who is most at risk, lulled into a false sense of security by deceptive promises of protection. The young and old male figures symbolize the generational passage of time and the shattered optimism that progress and fairness are inevitable - a belief many held in late 20th-century America that has proven naive.

    Most disturbingly, the nude black female figure starkly illustrates how basic rights and bodily autonomy have been stripped away, exemplified by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Her exposure and lack of agency are deeply unsettling. The looming eye in the turbulent sky, a perversion of the "divine providence" ideal, suggests that even under the gaze of higher powers, grave injustices are allowed to happen, and promises of protection are revoked.

    Structurally, the configuration of elements creates an atmosphere of imbalance and danger. The Areopagus, a symbol of justice, slips precariously off its foundation, implying that the very systems meant to protect the vulnerable are unstable. The cliff's edge creates an uneasy weightlessness — there is no visible landing for the figures, only an abyss. The unclothed woman's scale and prominence demand that the viewer confront her plight.

    Overall, this powerful work warns of the human costs when society regresses and fails its most defenseless members. It exposes the hollowness of espoused ideals and the razor's edge between security and calamity on which many find themselves. The painting is a vivid call to recognize injustice and the duties owed to each other before more lives are imperilled and cast adrift.

  • About this artist






    Graphic arts stands in the middle of photography, painting, and language. It borrows from all three, but what gifts does it give back? About cinema, Fellini suggested that if you are moved by a particular film, you don't need an explanation. And if you are not spellbound, no explanation can suffice.

    Skyler's approach to his work is mysterious in the same way. He draws from different painting traditions and uses his own photographs, acrylic, oil, pastels and digital painting to create an aesthetic experience with humor, wonder, and social commentary.

    The artist often creates digital paintings in the magic realism tradition to catch and sustain the viewer's attention. He intends each work to be crafted carefully and, hopefully, resonate on a semantic level. Moving pixels around the screen to combine digital art and painting, there is much to enjoy and ponder!

    A representative work is "Bellflower, Love Awaited," a graphic art composition with fine paint stroke detailing. The composition size is A3.

    Bellflowers are common all over the Northern Hemisphere. Accordingly, the flowers can be found in Japan, where the artist lives, but the flower is also widespread in Europe and North America.

    The flower usually has a symbolic association with gratitude, constancy, support, or romance. As such, Skyler uses the image as a motif to pay tribute to all those who hold on to their love, even when the loved one is far away in place or time.

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