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June 20, clouds above the MezencJune 20, clouds above the MezencJune 20, clouds above the MezencJune 20, clouds above the MezencJune 20, clouds above the Mezenc

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June 20, clouds above the Mezenc
June 20, clouds above the Mezenc
June 20, clouds above the Mezenc
June 20, clouds above the Mezenc
June 20, clouds above the Mezenc
June 20, clouds above the Mezenc
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

June 20, clouds above the Mezenc


W 60.00cm x H 41.00cm x D 2.00cm

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  • About this June 20, clouds above the Mezenc



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the front of the canvas




    Landscape in Auvergne, France.
    View from the summit of Mont Mézenc.

    The Mézenc massif is the highest point in my region. Each ascent is always an experience of wonder. Between sky and earth, you're overwhelmed by the immensity of the landscape.

    I paint my work in oil, "alla prima", allowing me to capture the fleeting effects of the light. The speed of execution gives spontaneity and liveliness to my touch.

    The white finish on the sides of the canvas means that it can be hung without a frame if you wish.

  • About this artist



    I am a French landscape painter. My work, based on observation in nature “en plein air”, is in line with the French landscape painters of the 19th century. I like the poetry of simple subjects like the paths around my village, the edge of a river, a cloud above the mountains…
    I paint with oil, "alla prima" (wet on wet), this enables me to capture the atmosphere, the momentary and transient effects of sunlight. This forces me to paint quickly with lively and spontaneous brushstrokes that lend my paintings a sense of movement.
    I live and paint in Auvergne, central France. My studio, overlooking the Loire gorges, provides a view of the grand, volcanically-shaped landscape. I explore this scenery with my brushes, finding new inspiration in the changing light, weather, and seasons.
    I also enjoy traveling to discover new landscapes, colors, and lights, with the sea being a particularly endless source of inspiration. My work aims to humbly honor the world's beauty, finding the sublime in even the most familiar environments. Beyond mere representation, I strive to express my awe of nature's ever-changing spectacle.

  • FAQ

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