Originally, the clown series was conceived as classic clowns - with red noses, eye makeup, and other clown-like features. However, from this series emerged other paintings featuring mime girls with white face paint and a bunch of bright red hair. These girls stand out from the clown series, but since I painted them as a unified group, I placed them here - among the clownery. Despite their lively sensuality and fire in their eyes, they continue to embody "CIRCULAR CLOWNERY."
P.S. The painting is created on high-quality oil painting paper, which surpasses cotton canvases in its quality and can easily compete with many linen ones. And if you're bothered by the fact that it's paper, cast away your doubts – it's not the kind of paper you load into your printer. It's not the paper you stocked up on during the pandemic. This is the material that I consciously chose for this series of works.