Willow branches, supple, fluttering in the wind, dispelling evil and redeeming all living things Willow branches, supple, full of deep and precious compassion, Kannon Bodhisattva redeems all sentient beings SM (22.7 x 15.8cm) Oil painting Yangryu Kannon, one of the 33 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas. She is the Avalokitesvara whose mission is to save people from illness and suffering. It was created while flowing Reiki. The sign is made with dragon characters on the side. Tsu☆Improvement of weak constitution, health in mind and body. Ki☆Power from the universe, high healing effect. The dragon body script, which is said to make wishes come true just by looking at it, was created with the hope that good things will come to you.