My name is Olga Ostrometskaya, I study the impact on people of new technologies and the huge flow of information that we pass through ourselves as through a filter. Humanity is drowning in information noise, in an overabundance of information, often superfluous and unnecessary, forgetting about its purpose, forgetting about its connection with nature, forgetting that this world is perfect, beautiful. All this generates madness, imposes opinions, desires that do not belong to a person, an incorrect worldview in general, and a person drowns ... drowns ... and sees no way out. It is doubly difficult for the new generation, they practically do not see the essence of life, they do not understand what it can be. From an early age, they are made part of the world anthill, which is easy and convenient to manage, misleading him. I want to convey to humanity the idea that we need to learn to listen to ourselves, to feel the peace and splendor of the world.