In the painting “The Way”, Elena creates a symbolic image of the way to the Christian church of a young woman and man. The image of the temple in this picture is unusual, just like the road to
him. The "walls" of the temple are tall pine trees that go beyond the borders of the picture. The author of the picture saw such slender “masted” pines in her homeland in the city of Votkinsk, in the forest and on the banks of a pond, unusual in its size and wide distances: several rivers flow into it: Berezovka, Sharkan, Votka. The composer Tchaikovsky was born on the bank of this pond. This pond
and German fairy tales inspired him with the theme of the ballet "Swan Lake", which ends with the death of the heroes who plunged into the lake.
The “body” of the temple is the shining sun and the bright blue sky, and the steps to the temple are a pyramid overturned towards the horizon: nature and ancient oriental cultures are only steps to the Christian temple.
A man and a woman are at the very beginning of the path, which they embark on resolutely and purposefully.