From the series "Sakura" The "SAKURA" series began with the idea of incorporating the time, space, and memories created by cherry blossoms into a work of art. 2022's works are inspired by the nature of the Someiyoshino cherry tree, "all individuals are clones," and attempt to capture the expansion of the cherry tree as a group that transcends the individual. The idea behind this project was to capture the "individual existence" of the cherry tree. The inspiration behind this work was the realization of how fragile individual existence is, and the wish for peace and life to overcome this fragility. The ambiguous expanse of both the individual and the group is the place for such a wish to be found. This thought was one of the main motivations for starting the "SAKURA" series. What characterizes the "cherry blossoms" in this work is the expression of wind and light, which add an element of "movement" to the expanse of the group. The painting space, which was filled with the color surface of cherry blossoms, rather finds its own outline as an "individual" by sensing others outside of it and the place of its origin where something arrives. For me now, painting the undulations of cherry blossoms is connected to confirming and sharing joy with myself and the world through wind, light, and color.