Hello friends, today I would like to share my opinion on the 2005 film King Kong. Directed by Peter Jackson, this film is a reboot of the classic story of a mighty gorilla captured in the jungle and brought to New York for human entertainment.
Comparing the new King Kong to the original 1933 film, I have to say that both films are different, but each in its own way beautiful. The old film focuses on the characters of the story as well as the mechanical puppets to create shots of King Kong. Whereas the new film, thanks to advances in technology and computer graphics, has created a more realistic and sensitive King Kong that makes the viewer believe he is real.
But the most important thing about this film is the sense of friendship that develops between King Kong and Anna Darrow (played by Naomi Watts), and which makes the viewer worry about their fate.
All in all, I recommend watching both King Kong films and enjoying their unique approach to this famous story. And which film do you prefer - the old one or the new one? Share your thoughts in the comments! 🦍🎬 #KingCong #KingCong2005 #KingCong1933 #film #cinema #review #retro #novelty #PeterJackson #NaomiWatts #JackBlack #AdrienBrody #cheren island #jungle #gorilla #action #adventure #fantasy #comparison"