This painting is a tribute to all mothers in the world. My mother is my close friend. Our relationship went from bad to worse for several years because we didn’t understand each other. It wasn’t until I became a mother and felt the joys and sorrows of parenthood while accompanying my child as he grew up, that I started to realize how much my mother had sacrificed for me. Eventually, our misunderstanding dissolved and we were able to forgive one another just like any mother and daughter should do.
There is a saying in my culture, “A mother risked her life to bring you safely into this world, and gave up a stable and free life to ensure your well-being.” In the process of taking care of my own child, I had an opportunity to experience childhood again, filling many gaps of misunderstanding in my life.
During the pandemic, my mother and I didn't see each other for three years. I realized that it's a luxury to want to hug her, and if you live life with regrets, you'll do what's necessary to make those regrets go away. Cherish the people who are in front of you now—when they aren't there anymore, all that will be left is regret. Don't leave regrets in your life, and pay more attention to and accompany those who are physically present. A simple greeting and a hug are enough.