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#5 The method of Nureyev#5 The method of Nureyev#5 The method of Nureyev#5 The method of Nureyev#5 The method of Nureyev

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#5 The method of Nureyev
#5 The method of Nureyev
#5 The method of Nureyev
#5 The method of Nureyev
#5 The method of Nureyev
#5 The method of Nureyev
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

#5 The method of Nureyev


W 150.00cm x H 150.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $12,480.00

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  • About this #5 The method of Nureyev



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the back of the canvas




    The dancer's body and the portrait are further enhanced with the incorporation of text written in ruddy tones, following the stylistic principles of neo-expressionism. The textual elements seem to flow and intertwine with the dancer's form, enhancing the emotional depth and energy of the piece. The text's inclusion is not only visually stimulating but also adds a layer of narrative and context to the artwork.

    The actors in the dance are masterfully captured in motion, symbolizing the paired movement within the dance. Each figure seems to exude a sense of passion and dedication to their craft, their bodies intertwined in harmonious synchrony. The vibrant colors and energetic brushstrokes reflect the intensity and emotion of the performance, creating an atmosphere of artistic fervor and celebration of the human form in motion.

    The overall composition exudes a sense of dynamism and artistic innovation, inviting the viewer to explore the intricate details and embrace the raw emotions conveyed by the performers. This painting serves as a testament to the power of artistic expression and the unifying nature of dance as a form of storytelling.

  • About this artist

    Chalovsky Alexander

    Chalovsky Alexander

    Russian Federation



    As an artist, I love to experiment in search of new ways to combine art and science. Deep study of new concepts and trends in philosophy, inspiration I get from reading poetry and studying anthropology and philosophy.

    A man finds himself in this world neglected and lost.
    As it is said by the Russian philosopher Bibichin:
    "The life comes down to a man all of a sadden.
    The man is lacking of himself in this world."
    The man reaches out for something past the boarders of the usual.
    The man gets used to live before he gets used to think.
    The man doesn't remember where did he come from,
    The man doesn't know where will he go.
    The man is a project, pointed to what is behind the limits.
    The man is existence which transcends itself into the unknown, forgotten, everlasting.
    An artist is a specials type of a man who is build around this goal.

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