Forshteven (fore stem) - the front, most durable, structure of the bow of the ship in the form of a steel beam bent to the shape of the nose, which is an extension of the keel and which the set of the ship in the bow ends.
This is how Wikipedia describes the definition of fore stem. But, besides this, the fore stem of a ship, vessel, boat has always played the role of that unique structural element with which they identified not only a particular ship, but also the period of the fleet, and the era. Without a doubt, the fore stem is an iconic element of the ship's design. He takes on the endless resistance of the matter of water, and in some cases, the blows of fate. It is he who cuts through the seas and oceans in his travels, leaving behind a keel trail.
I start my series with a picture that depicts the fore stem of a ship, which can be contemplated forever in its snow-white performance)
Let's see what the idea of the series will result in in the future...
I invite you to my journey...