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Jump #4Jump #4Jump #4

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Jump #4
Jump #4
Jump #4
Jump #4

Jump #4


W 40.00cm x H 40.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $500.00

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  • About this Jump #4



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the back of the canvas




    Series "Jump".
    A jump is that brief moment that begins when you push off from a secure surface and fly for a few seconds in a state of complete unawareness.
    A jump is a way out of stability and confidence into the unknown and emptiness. The moment you touch the surface you will already have an experience, negative or positive, it does not matter. You will enjoy knowledge that you can use in the future based on previous experience. But while you are in flight, you are in the void. And here the only thing that can matter is whether you are in a state of fear or in a state of trust. But what if you extend the jump for a few more seconds, and then another, and another. And now your jump becomes days, years, or a lifetime. You fly and it becomes familiar to you. You discover new laws that operate in a jump state. New patterns. Some things become so familiar to you that become boring. "I have such a boring jump" - you hear from a neighbor who flies to your right. "And my jump was a success, because on the way I managed to collect so many things "- you hear from a neighbor on the left, around which really winds a cloud of many different things. "To make a jump is not for you to cross the field," someone shouted above you.
    Yes,yes, you have almost ceased to remember the main thing. What started it all. And it all started with the question: what do you experience in
    state of uncertainty - fear or trust?

  • About this artist



    As an artist, I value creativity the most. Creativity is always something alive. And the living is always what
    constantly changing. But do not think that I have a cult of changes. I am a living being. I am evolving. And
    so I can't be permanent. And that's okay. An artist who has found his style is an artist who
    stopped looking. Can we say that he found the truth? This can only be said by one who believes that the truth can be to find.
    The problem of public perception is not my problem. This is the public's problem. Who said that the public does not problems?) An attempt to surround yourself with understandable things is an attempt to get rid of the constant fear of the unknown. It is not my intention to please the public or be convenient for commercial use. Or do you live here and now and accept my art. Or you return to the usual and are guided by financial motives.

  • FAQ

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