My project "Pears" explores aspects of anthropomorphizing optics. I analyze the plasticity, formal qualities of the image and simultaneously actualize the legacy of the perception of the human figure, namely the female nude.
On the one hand, I develop and articulate the problem of the objectification of the female body that contemporary art has inherited from its historical predecessors. However, I turn to an ironic manner of representation, contextualizing the inherited givenness and reinterpreting it in a logic of postirony, of metamodern easy lightness.
The pear as a subject of pictorial study is as historical as the nude. By constructing a metaphorical synthesis of the two figurative images, I emphasize the inexhaustible strength and vulnerability, the beauty and simplicity of the nude body. In this way, I translate the substantial critique of representation into an experience of aesthetic and ideological reinterpretation that is open to possible readings and conclusions, that is not stuffed with the dominant logic of beauty. I shift and defragment this logic and move it away from toxic contextuality.