“The Spartan Helmet”, created by artist Daria Kolosova upon an individual request, reflects strong, masculine qualities of its owner. The powerful spirit of an indestructible warrior is easy to recognize in this image.
The shiny battle helmet draws attention to itself while it remains a stern, silent attribute of courage.
Sharp spears and a bright horse crest, which became one of the symbols of Ancient Greece, shine combatively on the smooth copper surface of the canvas.
The fearless, formidable image is complemented by the catch-phrase of the Spartan king Leonidas “Molón labé” (ancient Greek Μολὼν λαβέ) - come, take. Audacity, wayward character and absolute confidence are the main qualities of a Warrior and the owner of this picture.
It's possible to create a new one for you without writing MOLON LABE
I can write your own quote or phrase
Will take 2 weeks more to get it finished