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Fire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire RosesFire Roses

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Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses
Fire Roses

Fire Roses


W 60.00cm x H 70.00cm x D 2.00cm
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  • About this Fire Roses



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the front of the canvas




    “Two people were looking out the same window.
    One saw rain and mud.
    The other is green elm foliage,
    spring and the sky is blue” - this is what Omar Khayyam wrote in his rubai.
    These lines describe how two people can look at the same thing but see completely different things. One of them is focused on the negative aspects of the world around him, while the other sees the beauty of the spring landscape and enjoys life.
    This painting, painted with great love and care, is a wonderful example of how art can convey emotions and feelings that cannot be expressed in words. 🎨
    In spring and summer, a bush of beautiful roses beckoned me to create this bright original painting. I named her accordingly - “Fire Roses”, oil, canvas on stretcher 60/70 cm, 2024.
    The painting was made using the technique of multilayer lisser painting. Each layer was applied after the previous one had “dried”. The painting was varnished with a gloss acrylic varnish, which protects the painting not only during cleaning or minor mechanical damage but also from the effects of time. Loops are screwed on the reverse side.
    In total it took about 5 months to complete it!
    Hugs to everyone🤗 with love, artist Ekaterina Gnunyan 😘😍💋

  • About this artist



    Landscape, animals, flowers, people, portraits, fantasy, nature, architecture, the world

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