“Distant light” is one of my favourite paintings, painted at the Dnipro, which explicitly transfers its power, greatness and beauty. The Dnipro cliffs became the symbol of Ukrainian poetry, literature and painting. It is the infinite source of inspiration and the place for meditation, a magnificent vastness opens up there, which lasts along the river bed to the very horizon. The painting was painted from the hills, where once there was a military outpost of Kyiv, from the times of Kyivan Rus. Now it is Rzhyshchiv city. The life on the Dnipro always hums with life: fishing boats, motorboats, sailboats, rush around over its surface, cross it, pass at speed, leaving a long trace. While being there I caught the first twilight, boats were racing in its directions, water either absorbed their noise or increased it echoing over the Dnipro. Dark silhouettes of the islands coiled in a strange ornament. And here the first light appeared many kilometres from me, in the distance, over the water. The first sign of the night on the Earth.
|Distant light” participated many times in personal, all-Ukrainian and international; exhibitions:
Personal exhibition “Time and space” Kyiv. 2016
“The only source of art” exhibition of Li Keran Academy of Fine Arts of PRC. Beijing. 2017
“Myttievosti” personal exhibition, Maisternia gallery, National Union of Artists of Ukraine.2018
Personal exhibition “Zhyvopys” Institute of International Relations Art Hall. Kyiv, 2019
“Modern Ukrainian impressionism” exhibition National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Kyiv. 2019
And others