Title "Tree-heart" - 100% hand painted by artist Volha Milashevich. The painting was created in 2020.
The work has a rectangular shape. Size 60 by 40 cm.
Original Tree-heart is painted on canvas. Ready to hang on the wall, put on the shelf. On the front side of the wall art is the author's signature.
Materials: oil paints, canvas, brushes, palette knife, varnish.
Created in a pet-free and smoke-free home.
It will become a bright accent in your interior.
The painting is part of the series "Trees of Life", united by the theme of life and death.
Oliva is one of the oldest trees on Earth.
This is one of those that were born more than 2000 years ago. I met it in the Monte Tropical Garden on Madeira Island. It grows surrounded by outlandish plants brought from all over the world. It saw thousands of sunrises and sunsets, hundreds of thousands of tourists from dozens of countries, watched the change of generations and civilizations.
Many things have disappeared during its existence, many of them have appeared and again disappeared into oblivion.
And it itself will someday suffer the same fate.
But while it is alive. Its powerful ancient trunk is like a throbbing heart. It feeds the branches of the vessels with its energy, and blood-life force is poured through them.
In my work, I used brushes and a palette knife. This allows you to convey the texture of the bark of an old tree. The picture was painted in several layers, the previous layer shines through from the next, so that the picture seems to flicker slightly.