The turquoise color of the water takes consciousness to the lowest place on earth - the Dead Sea. Here you can see the prototypes of salt mushrooms, which were discovered recently due to a decrease in the water level as a result of the ecological disaster of the place.
Mushroom caps form a path, the path along which it is possible to return to yourself.
The Dead Sea has its own biblical history, the lesson of which is the return of man to spiritual sources. This is the story of the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the licentiousness and sins of their inhabitants.
There is a saying that the Dead Sea will again become a freshwater lake. Its internal sources will be opened, which will return fertility and abundance to the earth to its inhabitants.
The Dead Sea is a metaphor for the human soul. When he moves away from the source of all that exists, the life in him fades away, both in the soul and in the body.
And vice versa - the return to the roots and one's true primordial nature brings the renewal of all internal resources and their realization at a given stage in the development of the individual, striving for Infinity.
“ The greatest success is when the soul that has alienated itself returns.
This is the expression of her unossifiedness and her depth: no matter how far she goes, in the end she cannot come back completely.
The swing with the child pushes back. The harder you push them, the higher they go back.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe.