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SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the ThornsSENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the ThornsSENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the ThornsSENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns

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SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns
SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns
SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns
SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns
SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns
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Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns


W 46.00cm x H 61.00cm x D 2.50cm

USD $1,250.00

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  • About this SENSUALITY3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Signed certificate




    That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

    Some of the glamour models are often obsessed with their looks and may suffer from a histrionic personality disorder which is characterized by seeking attention from others. An individual with a histrionic personality disorder may be overly seductive or extremely emotional. Some have negative looks about their bodies and body image dissatisfaction is as rife as ever. A personality disorder is one of the thorns in the flesh of some of the glamour models. This painting is done to applaud two courageous women that overcame their image dissatisfaction with vitiligo. Tiffany Taylor's skin colour started changing with vitiligo at the age of 14 and Canadian professional model Winnie Harlow was the first model with vitiligo to walk in Victoria’s Secret Fashion show which influenced this work – SENSUALITY 3: The Glamour Model and the Thorns.
    This painting was created in my usual style of Roses and Thorns with the vitiligo skin condition modelled after Winnie Harlow. Thorns depict vitiligo and any other body dissatisfaction that may make many people too conscious of their bodies and lead to personality disorders. The flower is for the courage to live with our imperfections which is healthy living.
    Though our bodies may succumb to changes, we should not lose our minds but renew our minds with beautiful and positive things. Just as the general theme of my work is “The Facts of Life – Roses and Thorns”, changes in our bodies are part of the facts of life. A man’s firm six-pack belly may inflate to balloon and bulging gunning biceps turn to wobble jelly flesh. A youthful round lady's breasts with pointed nipples may succumb to gravity; become flat and turn south.
    Our body shapes and our skin’s looks should not define us. To have good mental health, we need to change our minds set as our bodies change.

  • About this artist



    I am a Nigerian born, American trained Artist, residing in the United Kingdom as an artist with a unique personal style. My favoured medium is oil paints. Most of my recent paintings were influenced by the political and social upheaval of our world today and the works of the Renaissance artists.

    The uprising in the Arab world is what influenced my first political painting “ARAB REVOLUTION” in 2012. “THE EAGLE HAS LANDED” was done to speak about American led war on terror. My painting “KABIYESI OBA OBAMA (Unquestionable King Obama)” was a political satire based on the love and hate relationship between President Obama and Donald Trump. “THE BLEEDING ROSE” was done as my solidarity with Christians beheaded by ISIS in Iraq and Syria. I used my paintings “AFRICAN’T”, “HUNGER IN THE LAND OF PLENTY” and “OIL: AFRICANS’ WEALTH AND WOE” to speak about the exploitation of African nations. The Painting depicts paradoxical poverty and the riches of Africa. my work, “THE FISHERS OF MEN” is about the horror of refugees drowning in the Mediterranean Sea.

    The theme of my works, in general, is "The Facts of Life: Roses and Thorns." Life is roses and thorns; sometimes it emanates the sweet aroma of pleasantness and sometimes it pricks and causes pains. I often use Roses and Thorns for portrait paintings of the facts of life of people. I first used Roses and Thorns in my political painting - “THE BLEEDING ROSES”, since then I adopted this floral iconography style - Roses and Thorns as my own unique style in some of my paintings like “DOMESTIC ABUSE”, GELE (African Head Wrap): Vintage and Modern, SENSUALITY1: Pain and Pleasure and others. Roses are for achievements and other positive parts of life and Thorns are painful challenges and negative parts of life.
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