Oil paint and mixed media on wood panel, 45x38cm, 2021.
This painting is about my expereince with anxiety and my recent attempts to understand it in a new light. I've recently learned that anxiety is a very ancient part of the human mind, and it was originally critical for humans to survive in the wild. For example, humans being hunted by a wild animal, like a tiger, would expereince anxiety and fear in response to small sounds or movement in the trees, allowing them to run away and escape. However, in our modern society, though it's rare for us to be hunted by wild animals, many people still experience anxiety and fear in response to non-threatening situations. This artwork represents my attempt to remind myself that "there is no tiger" when I'm feeling anxious, so that I can see the situation in a more rational light.
In order to create a collage effect, I have pasted several papers, including a fortune (omikuji), ticket to a museum, bill, stamps, and others to the wooden panel before painting on top of them.