- How do I wake up?
- Throw away your desires and fears.
- How?
- Let what's happening happen.
- I understand it with my mind, but I need something more than ordinary intellectual understanding.
- Then let what's going on happen right now. Stop fighting the past and preparing for the future. Reject time. It's simple. But if you tremble, you won't succeed. Time must be rejected unconditionally. If you have time problems, it means that you don't take a deep look at Life. That means you're not living, you're fussing. If you reject the time that absorbs you, a boundless perspective will suddenly break in front of you. At such a moment, many people cry out: "Oh no! That's too much! I want to get back to my business, I want to immerse myself in the routine!" Many people are overwhelmed by the horror of Eternity! Eternity is here. But it remains a mystery because time hides it. Reject time - and Eternity will open up to you. (Andrew Cohen)