I once boiled beets. As often happens with me, I got carried away with something, and did not notice how all the water in the pot with beets boiled away. A dark film formed at the bottom, consisting of beet juice and water. Tired, I decided to wash the pot tomorrow. In the morning, looking into the pan, I saw a fantastic beauty! It felt like I looked into another dimension and discovered a world that no one had ever seen. It turns out that overnight the film curled up and formed various textured patterns! The dark spots magically contrasted with the metal surface and reflected in it. I immediately decided that I would paint a picture to capture this beauty. We are so accustomed to what surrounds us that we often do not notice the amazing and beautiful in the most ordinary things. Try it differently) Don't wash something in time, do something wrong, look at the usual things from a different angle. And you will see their invisible beauty!