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The AncestorThe AncestorThe AncestorThe Ancestor

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The Ancestor
The Ancestor
The Ancestor
The Ancestor
The Ancestor
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

The Ancestor


W 39.50cm x H 50.00cm x D 0.40cm

USD $5,000.00

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  • About this The Ancestor



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signatures on the front of the artworks




    Obra moderna inspirada en un retrato antiguo. Curvas que se entrelazan de manera no convencional para dar forma a un busto de aspecto señorial. Oleo sobre fibra. / /
    Modern work inspired by an ancient portrait. Curves that interlock unconventionally to shape a stately-looking bust. Oil on fiber.

  • About this artist



    Ery Ramón es un inquieto artista uruguayo que se identifica con el verbo CREAR.
    Ama experimentar, investigar, transitar y redescubrirse por nuevos caminos… sin nunca perder ese hilo conductor que existe entre una obra y otra por más que aborde otras técnicas o temáticas. Siempre el entorno metafísico y futurista está presente. En ciertas obras, aparte de un dibujo de talento, la ironía forma parte de la obra no sin dejarnos un mensaje más profundo y reflexivo.
    En permanente análisis introspectivo y extrospectivo descubre facetas del ser humano que luego exterioriza a través de su obra.
    Como resultado de un curioso experimento matemático-lúdico
    encuentra un estilo de formas tridimensionales curvas y ahuecadas con el que da cuerpo a muchas de sus ideas y conceptos.
    Esa misma inquietud lo ha llevado a experimentar más allá de la plástica, encontrando en la animación digital un medio de expresión que potencia aún más su ya fructífera imaginación.

    Ery Ramón is a restless Uruguayan artist who identifies himself with the verb CREATE.
    He loves to experiment, investigate, travel and rediscover himself in new ways ... without ever losing that common thread that exists between one work and another, no matter how much he addresses other techniques or themes. The metaphysical and futuristic environment is always present. In certain works, apart from a talented drawing, irony is part of the work, not without leaving us a deeper and more reflective message.
    In permanent introspective and extrospective analysis he discovers facets of the human being that he later expresses through his work.
    As a result of a curious mathematical-playful experiment
    he finds a style of hollow and curved three-dimensional shapes with which he embodies many of his ideas and concepts.
    That same concern has led him to experiment beyond the visual arts, finding in digital animation a means of expression that further enhances his already fruitful imagination.

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