Golden SU Frida is part of the "Tears" series, it is a work that represents artists in the pandemic.
We all already know the story of Frida, which is why I made this work alluding to the suffering, but to which all artists go through with COVID and the confinement of more than 2 years. The color gold represents what is important in life (I use it a lot in my works).
I added the tears of blood in the eyes, the same ones that hundreds of thousands of artists cry. Her overflow, blouse and skirt have textures to give it a singular realism, it is the same case with the flowers, which she always used throughout her life, it was something very representative of her, although in the photo I used, I did not I was wearing on my head, I was too young back then.
In the original photo Frida has your eyes open, here I left them closed, making a bit of an analogy of serenity, despite the suffering that she represents in her work.
It's some of my best work considering she represents me and all of my fellow artists.