A fabulous beauty looks mysteriously. Who is she?
I get inspiration from ethnic Buryat-Mongolian traditions and amazing fairy tales, which I shape into magical realistic work.
A special Buryat mythological motive - a woman, the Mother-Goddess by the tree.
The White Mistress of the forest sits alone on a tree and peers into the depths of the forest. The dark sky and stars on it complement the fabulous mystery of this night. We feel the silence of the forest and wait for miracles to happen.
Her Father, the owner of the forest, Khangai ezen or White Master of Forest, was considered a very rich deity, but his wealth lay in various kinds of animals: he had whole herds of elk with stallions - horses, red deer with stallions - deer... He rode huge black elk, which is why the Buryats considered it a sin to beat dark brown elk.