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Conscience 2Conscience 2

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Conscience 2
Conscience 2
Conscience 2

Conscience 2


W 30.00cm x H 40.00cm x D 0.10cm

USD $364.00

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  • About this Conscience 2



    Painting (Oil painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the front of the canvas




    Based on the concept of Conscience as a form of behaviour influence, the series of paintings "Conscience" seeks to explore graphically and symbolically the different states of consciousness using the figure of a balloon as a representative of conscience itself and the man - balloon interaction as an identifier of the current state and the way his conscience is handled .

  • About this artist

    Rui Nunes

    Rui Nunes




    My artistic work is divided into two blocks with different languages and styles:

    Sculpture, arises through a formal experimentalism based on conceptual structures inspired by Men as an individual, social and psychological being. The use of glass as a privileged material in the construction of sculptures is assumed to be a characteristic element of my work.

    Painting, which appears as a kind of formal antithesis to my sculptural creation, presents a raw realism based on the visible aspect of the relationship between Man and Society and the antagonisms created by this interaction.
    The search for a representation of the human figure inserted in storytelling environments and the use of metaphorical graphic elements require an in-depth analysis and a careful conceptual interpretation.

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Other Artworks by Artist

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    I see you 1


  • Dollars and Cents

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  • Conscience 7

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  • Conscience 6

    Conscience 6


  • Conscience 5

    Conscience 5


  • Conscience 4

    Conscience 4


  • Conscience 3

    Conscience 3


  • Conscience 2

    Conscience 2


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