Art Project «The Blue Butterfly’ Dream»
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This artwork, part of the Art Project «The Blue Butterfly’s Dream», has been selected for London Art Biennale 2019.
The artworks, part of the Art Project «The Blue Butterfly’s Dream», were widely covered by international art media and featured in Peripheral ARTeries - Contemporary Art Review, London, UK («Diana Malivani», Biennial Edition, Special Issue, June 2019, pp. 158-175), ArtPress 24, London, UK («The Empowering Creations of Diana Malivani», February 2019), Forth Magazine, Los Angeles, US («Music, Nature, and Soul: Artwork by Diana Malivani», March 13, 2019), Birmingham Arts Journal, Birmingham, US (Volume 16, Issue 1, November 2019, p. 16), and Light Space & Time Magazine, Florida, US (August 2019).
These artworks had deserved the Critique «Diana Malivani. «The Blue Butterfly’s Dream». Artwork Analysis» by Timothy Warrington, Art Critic and Member of the International Confederation of Art Critics (ICAC).
Also the artworks, part of this Art Project, gained Finalist honours at the 11th Annual Competition «Solo Art Series» by «Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery», 2019, Florida, USA.
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More photos of the artwork as well as the relevant documents are available upon request
(close-up views, the artists signature, in-context photos, publication copies, certificate of authenticity etc.).